Saturday, November 8, 2014

Top 5 supplements you need to take daily?

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A question I get asked a lot is: “do I need dietary supplements?” Today we will take a look at what they are, how they work and the top 5 ones I recommend you to use for optimal health and fitness in both men and women. Dietary supplements are defined as: “a product taken orally that contains ingredients that are intended to supplement one’s diet and are not considered foods.” Part of this definition that I would like to highlight before moving on is the fact that they are; “intended to supplement your diet” and “they are not food.” This is important for you to acknowledge because they are meant to be used to ‘supplement’ a healthy and balanced diet not replace it.Today’s supplements range from vitamins and minerals, to fish oils, amino acids and proteins, so which ones do I recommend as the top 5 essential for you optimal health and fitness? Well absorption and bioavailability are two of the most important factors when it comes to intake of micronutrients and part of the reason that I feel the following 5 supplements are essential to you reaching your optimal health and fitness.

  1. Multivitamin – A daily multivitamin is going to be rich in the vitamins and minerals your body needs to perform optimally throughout the day. The important thing here is going to be for you to find the multivitamin that is right for you. Take into account how active you are, your age, gender and any history of illnesses in your family so that you pick a multivitamin that is rich in the specific minerals and vitamins you need. For example if prostate cancer is a concern in your family history then look for a multivitamin specifically rich in boron.
  2. Fish oil – These are rich in omega-3’s which are linked to higher levels of HDL (HDL is what is commonly known as the “good cholesterol”) and better nutrient absorption (which of course is going to be important when paired with the other supplements I am recommending). Fish oils are also essential in aiding weight loss due to improving your metabolism and they have been linked to massively reducing our risk of heart disease.
  3. Vitamin D3 – This vitamin is 100% essential when it comes to obtaining optimal health and becoming the best version of yourself. Low vitamin D has been proven to cause several cancers, depression, weight gain, low bone density and poor nutrient absorption so it’s a MUST have in your daily diet.
  4. Protein – Proteins are what the human body needs for growth and repair. I am assuming that as you want to be the best version of yourself and have optimal health and fitness, that daily exercise and resistance training is a part of your everyday life. There are a variety of proteins on the market but the 3 main proteins I want to talk about are whey isolate, whey concentrate and casein. (if you are vegan then there are also protein supplements on the market that will fit your criteria) Isolate is a fast absorbing protein that digests quickly in the body and is a great option for a post workout drink to help repair the muscles used during your workout. Concentrate is a slightly slower absorbing protein that is a little more calorie dense and should be utilized as a meal replacement or a snack between meals during the day. Casein is the slowest digesting protein taking around 9 hours to fully digest in the body. Due to this slow absorption it keeps you feeling fuller longer and also keeps the metabolism active when sedentary so it is a great option for a bedtime shake to aid in weight loss. Find your specific health and fitness goal and use the protein that will most effectively fit you.
  5. Probiotic – These are "friendly bacteria" that aid in optimal digestive health. Certain strains or types of probiotics have been linked to all sorts of health benefits, from helping with irritable bowel syndrome and travel diarrhea to boosting the immune system. Having a healthy gut and digestive system is absolutely essential in obtaining optimal health and fitness, hence why a daily probiotic made my top 5 daily supplements list.
So there it is; my personal recommendation of the top 5 supplements you need to take daily. In today’s supplement industry there are literally thousands of different pills and powders available but these 5 are the ones that I believe are absolutely essential in you achieving optimal health and fitness. Remember to always consult with a doctor before starting any supplement regime and make sure you are pairing them with a healthy, balanced diet rich in the fats, carbohydrates and proteins you require to hit your specific health and fitness goals.

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